Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: Monroe, N.C. 28110

Approximate value $: 175.000

3 bedroom, 2 baths on almost an acre of land. All appliances which include: Stainless Steel, glass top oven, side by side refrig.,3 yr. old dryer/ washer bought in Nov.'10, kitchen
has laminate floor & formal dining room the same, total
brick house, built in 1989. Excellent school system with new high school anout 1 mile away. Large above ground pool with
a large deck. Oversized 2 car detached garage. Lots of stores
within a few miles. Smoke free and pet free home. Inside recently painted. Cyclone fenced in yard. Front porch.
Looking for similar home in Tampa/Sarasota Fla. areas to trade.

In exchange for House in Florida,

Approximate value $ : $175,000

One story home, near shopping, hospital (s) & airpot.

ID: 11657, Submitted: 01/12/2011 22:04:20, Updated: 01/12/2011 22:10:49, Visitors: 2868


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