Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 4621 Landover Dale Dr Raleigh 27616

Approximate value $: 195000

2 story, single family, 2 car garage, 1,830 s.f, 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, fenced yard, built in 2004, recently appraised, quiet/safe/clean neighborhood, great schools, 1/4 acre, pool community.

In exchange for Town House in North Carolina, within 20 miles of 27616

Approximate value $ : 150000

3+ bedrooms, 2+ bathrooms, townhome preferred but single family considered.

ID: 1181, Submitted: 08/23/2008 11:59:48, Updated: 08/23/2008 11:59:48, Visitors: 7333


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