Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 1528 Noble Creek Lane Raleigh 27610

Approximate value $: 200,000

3 bedroom, 3 bath, fireplace, kitchen, seperate dining room, screened deck, full daylight basement, rocking chair porch, garage, attic, lots of storage space in pool community, near downtown Raleigh, beautiful 5 year old home. Looking to swap for townhome or condo in New Jersey (central NJ location).

In exchange for Town House in Delaware, New Jersey, 27610

Approximate value $ : $250,000

3 bedroom, 3 bath, beautiful Victorian style home in pool community, HO dues only $25 per month, fireplace, seperate dining room, dinette, kitchen, full basement w/bath, garage, beautiful home, beautiful landscaping will swap or sell

ID: 12148, Submitted: 01/31/2011 13:52:39, Updated: 01/31/2011 13:52:39, Visitors: 5849


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