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House in North Carolina

Address: 94 carey dr. Robbinsville 28771

Approximate value $: 98.000

moble home on 1acre 2bed.1bth screened in side poarch.very to build.14x24livingroom.dinningroom breakfast bar.lots of leland cyprus.close to nanahala rafting walking trails lake fishing camping.harras much to mention

In exchange for House in North Carolina

Approximate value $ : 98.000

liveable can need some work.1to2 acres.can be less than 98.000 with a trade and money to boot.charolette nc or surranding aera prefer private.

ID: 1336, Submitted: 09/06/2008 14:16:27, Updated: 09/06/2008 14:16:27, Visitors: 3955


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