Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: Wake Forest 27587

Approximate value $: 280,000

4 y/o 2,400 sq ft, MBR down 3 BR/2.5BA on 1.3 acres. Small neighborhood with some restrictions but no HOA. Very private

In exchange for Farm in North Carolina, 27587

Approximate value $ : Under 300,000

Prefer ranch on 5+ acres(if land only priced under $100,000) or at least 2 BRs down in or close to Wake Forest. None to minimal restrictions. Horses and other farm animals must be allowed. Nice area and must be Close to Wake Forest but within commuting distance( < 45 mins) to Durham, NC.

ID: 14951, Submitted: 06/29/2011 09:51:38, Updated: 06/29/2011 12:01:09, Visitors: 6137


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