Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: Forest Lawn Dr. Matthews 28104

Approximate value $: 415,000

Country Mouse wants a City house. Matthews farm home for your Center City Charlotte Condo. Lovely 4BD, 2BA farm house on 3.1 acres with pond, barn, and horse pasture. Newly remodeled kitchen with granite counters, bamboo floors throughout. Horse comes with the home if you want it.

In exchange for Condominium in North Carolina, 28203

Approximate value $ : 415,000

We'd love to trade for a Condo in Center City, Dilworth, Myers Park, Plaza Midwood - something close in and simple.

ID: 1530, Submitted: 09/30/2008 17:28:50, Updated: 09/30/2008 17:32:57, Visitors: 6212


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