Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 139.S. Main St. Mars Hill 28754

Approximate value $: 485,000

15 min North of Asheville, NC. This Historic home sits on just under 2 acres in the quaint college town of Mars Hill. Used as a private home and then a B&B, it has 6 bedrooms/5 bathrooms,wood floors,fireplace,terrace w/fountain, and much more. We own this home free and clear and would like to trade for something smaller. We can owner finance some of the difference if any.

In exchange for House in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina

Approximate value $ : 485,000 up to

3/2+ within 30 minutes of ocean or major city.

ID: 17514, Submitted: 09/30/2011 19:51:46, Updated: 09/30/2011 19:54:55, Visitors: 7624


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