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House in North Carolina

Address: 4307 Hammett Street Charlotte 28205

Approximate value $: 165,000

Single Family Home. Private new deck, full front roof covered porch, large full size upper attic, new gas, new a/c heating system. Gas water heater. 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Fenced in back yard. 1,440 sqft. 0.25 Acres.

In exchange for House in South Carolina, 29404

Approximate value $ : 165,000

Would like to have at least two to three bedrooms, two baths, have a deck if possible. Fenced in yard if possible. Would prefer gas a/c heating system. Prefer location close by Charleston AFB, SC. Will consider a farm home and property.

ID: 24408, Submitted: 08/29/2014 16:50:43, Updated: 08/29/2014 17:44:52, Visitors: 6814


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