Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: 1122 South Topsail Drive Surf City 28445

Approximate value $: 249900

We live in a beach homeon Topsail island . This is a fixer uppper but is a wonderful place to live, Low taxes and insurances with the beautiful clean ocean air , We have live here 10 years for my youngest son's allergies and have to move to Ny to tak care of my elderly father.

In exchange for House in New York, 13206

Approximate value $ : 100,000

near eastwood ( division in syracuse) or baldwinsville

ID: 2741, Submitted: 04/28/2009 14:42:08, Updated: 04/28/2009 14:42:08, Visitors: 2709


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