Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: Tallgrass Lane Leland 28451

Approximate value $: 300000

Home is in Magnolia Greens. See website 5 years old,3 br, 2 baths, 1880 sq. ft, one floor living. Full landscape services included in dues. 27 holes golf, 3 pools, fitness facility, Clubhouse...The premiere community in Coastal Carolina

In exchange for House in Maine, Scarboro to Topsham

Approximate value $ : 300000

Prefer Scarboro to Topsham area of Coastal Maine; 3 BR, 2 BA, garage, 1-3 acres, quiet, nice home

ID: 4190, Submitted: 10/03/2009 10:08:33, Updated: 10/03/2009 10:08:33, Visitors: 2466


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