Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Carolina

Address: HUgh McAuley Road Hunterville, NC 28078

Approximate value $: 325,000

Gorgeous, themed high-end neigborhood community with special forested green areas, community pool, playground and tennis courts and mature trees all around. Sidewalks both sides of the streets. Beautiful house, 3200 sq. feet, built 2002. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, bonus room, living, dining, porch, patio, fireplace and more.

In exchange for House in Maine

Approximate value $ : 325,000

Need to be able to put two horses on property. Home must be big enough for four children and two parents. Should be within 30 minutes of mid-coast Maine bear Rockport, or Camden or possibly Bar Harbor.

ID: 6491, Submitted: 05/22/2010 11:12:31, Updated: 05/22/2010 11:12:31, Visitors: 2553


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