Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in North Dakota

Address: 106 5th ave Munich, ND 58352

Approximate value $: 40,000

1400 sq ft 5 bd 1 1hlf bath older home on app+- 1 acre with 2 older garages for storage. Located in friendly town with great school rated a 10. Town has paved roads and amenities, easy commute to casino and bix box stores. Plenty to do, no crime or traffic. Home needs paint. If interested let me know what you think. think

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : na

Will consider anything, what do you have?

ID: 10248, Submitted: 12/01/2010 17:37:59, Updated: 12/01/2010 17:37:59, Visitors: 11248


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