Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: 927 ferndale ave Dayton 45406

Approximate value $: 75000

this property was just remodeled in may of this year(08) fenced yard 3bed 1.5 bath.1600sf for more info and pics look it up on
i also have $80,000ish worth of water rights on thomas creek in reno nv that i would like to include in a trade.

In exchange for Property in California, Florida, Idaho, Maine, Nevada, Tennessee, Virgin Islands

Approximate value $ : 250000 or less

open to just about anything. either a house i could live in in/near reno nv, or property i can rent.

ID: 1165, Submitted: 08/21/2008 23:11:26, Updated: 08/21/2008 23:11:26, Visitors: 8348


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