Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: 1029 Zanesville 43701

Approximate value $: 25,000

Needs work just bought, but the taxes are a little behind from previous owner new electrical new retaining walls and other up grades but still needs work but would like to trade for land about 4 or 5 acres possibly with trailer on it or septic or well so I can build on somewhere in Zanesville or surrounding counties just contact me via email or phone 7402973459

In exchange for Property in Ohio, 43701

Approximate value $ : 10,000-20,000

New electrical box and wires new front and rear doors new drywall in areas new front and back retaining walls much more

ID: 12036, Submitted: 01/26/2011 06:48:39, Updated: 01/26/2011 08:50:22, Visitors: 2586


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