Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: 1698 Glen Nell Wellston 45692

Approximate value $: 140000

This property has 95 acres about 30-40 acres could be pasture, old barn. House is in good condition current rent is $500 month, property owned free / clear. below is web address is property d_Wellston_OH_45692_M38190-65251

In exchange for House in Ohio

Approximate value $ : 140000

Just looking for investment property, prefer up to $50k houses to rent out anywhere is a possibility. Will possibly trade for several houses or chatel or for best deal cash is acceptable.

ID: 16576, Submitted: 09/06/2011 21:01:41, Updated: 09/06/2011 21:11:09, Visitors: 3467


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