Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: 12 S Limestone Jamestown 45335

Approximate value $: $100,000

This 170 year old TOTALLY refurbished to 2015 upgrades, brand new roof, electric service, plumbing, has 7 bedrooms in 2 staory Colnial style home. The home was Jamestowns 1st hospital. It has large bathroom up and 1/2 down, 2 livingrooms and a front Lobby area that was going to be used as a coffee shop for daughter and grand kids, who got remarried and moved. Attached at back of large home is a 12 room newer hospital that was built in 1953, closed around the 80s. It can be storage units, a boarding house etc. This property is in the very center of down town. 3 lots

In exchange for Commercial Property in Any state

Approximate value $ : $100k

Would consider trades of any kind including bulldozers, RVs, boats, etc

ID: 25574, Submitted: 09/29/2016 16:33:01, Updated: 09/29/2016 16:33:01, Visitors: 6568


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