Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: Elyria 44035

Approximate value $: $110,000

Great neiborhood in Elyia. Colonial with 3 bedrooms. The attic could be used as a 4th bedroom. Extremely large kitchen and master bedroom. Above ground swiming pool in back yard stays.
Large back yard that is fened in. Walking distance stores and bank. Walking distance of schools. I still owe $58,000 on my mortgage. Photo is of the local school, Ely Elementary. E-mail me and I'll send you photos. This would be a great house for a large family and pets!!

In exchange for House in Ohio, 44035

Approximate value $ : $55,000 or less

Would like to get into a little smaller home with a large garage. Will consider a home in Elyria, Grafton, Oberlin, Avon, Avon Lake, and surrounding areas.

ID: 3115, Submitted: 07/14/2009 03:56:43, Updated: 07/14/2009 05:15:18, Visitors: 3037


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