Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: Canal Winchester 43110

Approximate value $: 420,000

Relocating back home to Huntsville, AL. We have a 3320 sq.ft home + finished basement with mother-in-law suite in upscale neighborhood in Canal Winchester, OH only 20-minutes from Downtown Columbus. 5 BR, 4 ½ bath, game room, 3-car garage, music parlor, office, hardwood floors, huge deck and gazebo all on ½ acre. More photos upon request.

In exchange for House in Alabama, 35801

Approximate value $ : 350,000

Consider anything.

ID: 328, Submitted: 05/05/2008 10:01:26, Updated: 05/05/2008 16:22:56, Visitors: 7084


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