Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: Summergreen Dr Dayton 45424

Approximate value $: 230,000.00

Evergreen Woods Estates-minutes from WPAFB, Dayton International Airport, I-70 & 75. This is a modle home built in 1999, 2344 sq ft. with unfinished basement 5 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, 2 story, 2 car garage

In exchange for House in Arizona, 86304

Approximate value $ : 230,000.00

Looking for a vacation home in Prescott area or an investment property in the West Valley of Phoenix. Something within 2-3 hours of current home in Surprise, AZ. 85379

ID: 512, Submitted: 05/31/2008 09:27:00, Updated: 05/31/2008 09:27:00, Visitors: 6135


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