Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Ohio

Address: Century Dr. Columbus 43211

Approximate value $: 1,000,000

Have approximately 25 single-family rental homes I'm looking to trade for the purposes of downsizing a real estate investment portfolio. The homes are all in the same neighborhood (Arlington Park), and are a mix of 2,3, and 4 bedroom ranches and two-story slab homes. Most all are currently rented. I'm open to all offers and ideas, including commercial. Also could include precious metals.

In exchange for House in Arizona, Florida, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee

Open to land, other homes, rental property, commercial, or some combination.

ID: 7758, Submitted: 08/23/2010 21:19:47, Updated: 08/23/2010 21:19:47, Visitors: 7880


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