Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oklahoma

Address: 577 wyandotte locust grove 74352

Approximate value $: 55000

I lived here in the early 1990s and have rented it ever since i moved out. GREAT investment property or retire away from it all location (2 miles from lake, close enough to occasionally hear siren from Dam letting out water!) located in prime location across from the High School, it sits on a large corner lot on SW corner of hwy to pryor and wyandotte.

In exchange for Land in Oklahoma

Looking for acreage with one or more ponds, but any consider with good water source. prefer southern 1/2 of oklahoma or north texas.

would trade for home on smaller acreage of similar value.

will consider trading for anything of similiar value

ID: 10010, Submitted: 11/24/2010 15:02:25, Updated: 11/24/2010 15:02:25, Visitors: 6705


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