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House in Oklahoma

Address: Cedar Ridge Hgts Tulsa 74133

Approximate value $: $275,000

3800 sqft home 4bd/ 4.5 baths/ 2liv; formal din; large kit; huge master; sunroom or gameroom; in-ground pool' 2 bonus rooms 2nd level; front balcony; storage sheed; wall to wall built ins

In exchange for House in Oklahoma, 74133

we are looking to down size. If you are looking to upgrade maybe
we have been looking for each other. we are looking for app 2500 sq ft w/4 beds and 2.5 baths. Interested please email me

ID: 1301, Submitted: 09/02/2008 13:40:26, Updated: 09/02/2008 13:40:26, Visitors: 6947


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