Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oklahoma

Address: H.C. 60 Box 4600 Clayton 74536

Approximate value $: 225,000

Very unique LOg House on beautiful mountain Lake Sardis, right by water 50'. House is trimed inside with cedar wood. can send pics on email. The house is not where the red dot is it is right off hy. 43, by the lake.

In exchange for House in Any state

Would consider any place, but would prefer in northern NM or southern Co. would like 5 to20 acres with it or close to a national forest.
partical trade on Motor home

ID: 22005, Submitted: 06/10/2012 17:13:33, Updated: 06/12/2012 21:50:01, Visitors: 5842


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