Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oklahoma

Address: Woodland Shores 74331

Approximate value $: $119,000

3BD 3BTH HOME IN woodland shores resort in afton,okla at Grand lake. 2300 sq ft. large shop with 2 car garage unattached.on 2 lots. lake view and only 2 blocks from lake that is private access for woodland shores residents only. fishing dock, boat launch, swimming dock, GREAT FISHING!We are open to ideas so dont hesitate to make offers. (580) 231-8893 Jane

In exchange for House in Arizona

Approximate value $ : same

ID: 23214, Submitted: 04/28/2013 14:46:44, Updated: 04/28/2013 14:46:44, Visitors: 7457


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