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House in Oklahoma

Address: 824 S Oliphant Holdenville 74848

Approximate value $: 145,000

There is one acre in town with 6 feet vinyl fence totaly around the property. It has two out buildings. It has a two car,carport and two car garage. It has fruit trees, garden spot and its own water well for watering the beautiful grass. It has 6 pecan trees. There are 6 differnt kinds of apple trees. This a a great place for a family to be raised in. Within walking distance of two schools.

In exchange for House in Oklahoma, 74868

Approximate value $ : 130,000

At least 10 acres and shop with 3 bedrooms and two baths.

ID: 4654, Submitted: 12/20/2009 22:08:18, Updated: 12/20/2009 22:08:18, Visitors: 7202


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