Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 34251 Mt Tom Dr Coburg 97446

Approximate value $: 895000

15 mi NE of Eugene, near I-5 but above the valley, noise, fog, dust. Great privacy, 6 BR, 5.5 baths, 122 acres (another 80 possible)

In exchange for House in Oregon, Washington

Approximate value $ : 600000

Could exchange even but would like abt $200K cash. Can finance. Need waterfront-- river, lake, estuary near coast; 2 BR min with 2 bath; good office space, privacy over 1 acre, preferably several acres.

ID: 10822, Submitted: 12/20/2010 16:25:47, Updated: 12/21/2010 02:06:26, Visitors: 7082


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