Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: Pacific City 97135

Approximate value $: 287,000

For Sale/Trade Income Producing Beach Home
Custom 1,200sf home built in 2006. Outstanding vacation rental (July/2010 $2,660 Aug/2010 $3,500) managed by local PC company which you means you do nothing. Check the reviews on this home by people who have actually stayed their at
The home will be sold/traded fully furnished and ready to enjoy. Located only 2 blocks from the BEACH and the Pelican Pub. At $287,000 this home is priced $102k less than any other house in the area.
Will consider a partial trade for a lot in Pacific City, Washington County, or the Bend area up to $100k
Ryan 503.784.2371

In exchange for Land in Oregon

Approximate value $ : 100,000 or less

Loooking for a buildable lot/land in Washington County, Northern Oregon coast, or the Bend area under $100k

ID: 11718, Submitted: 01/14/2011 13:52:30, Updated: 01/14/2011 13:52:30, Visitors: 7948


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