Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 12300 S.E. Wiese Road Damascus, Oregon 97089

Approximate value $: 399,000.00

Surrounded by Forest..Total Privacy..4 bedroom..2 full baths..Ranch Style..2 story shop..garage..private driveway..close to shopping centers..horses allowed..some home businessess..would trade for property/house/acreage in Billings, Montana Area...406 256-7097

In exchange for House in Montana, 59101

Approximate value $ : 399,000.00

Home with acreage in Billings, Montana area...

ID: 1251, Submitted: 08/28/2008 14:47:19, Updated: 08/28/2008 14:47:19, Visitors: 2582


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