Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 1760 SW Woodridge Ct. Dallas 97338

Approximate value $: 289,000.00

Impressive architect designed top of the hill executive home on edge of town. See bigbrick id# 76890 for details. Owned free and clear.... need a rental now, retirement later. Downsizing. Want to swap in 200K range. Will need rest in cash, but if circumstances are right might be able to carry some paper.

In exchange for House in Montana, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington

Approximate value $ : 200,000.00

Country retreat/retirement house, energy efficient, low cost of living area. Conservative values

ID: 15798, Submitted: 08/19/2011 23:40:22, Updated: 08/19/2011 23:40:22, Visitors: 3376


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