Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 5355 River Rd N Keizer 97303

Approximate value $: 5,600

2 bd trailor in a 55 and older court, space rent is $495.00 a month. Nice and friendly here, Rec room has swimming pool, pool table.

In exchange for House in Oregon, ANY

Approximate value $ : 5,600

We need to either rent a home (Prefer 2 to 3 bd). or trade our trailor for another trailor in an ALL AGE court. We had a baby and must move from this court. We also need a pet friendly home!

ID: 17721, Submitted: 10/08/2011 08:38:24, Updated: 10/08/2011 08:38:24, Visitors: 2836


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