Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: damascus 97089

Approximate value $: $250,000

3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath - 1800 sq feet. Large loft above the garage for storage or TV room, under the house storage. North Clackamas SD. House was Clackamas when we moved there, but incorperated into Damascus - right at the border of HWY 212/224

In exchange for House in Oregon

Approximate value $ : 350,000

We are looking to upgrade a house but stay in the same general area (Clackamas HS) boundry. Looking for min of 4 bed 3 bath with potential to upgrade. We can afford to move and upgrade and are hoping to swap with somebody who is looking to minimize a bit. We are trying to avoid the realtor fees and all these short sales.

ID: 20278, Submitted: 01/24/2012 15:50:25, Updated: 01/24/2012 15:50:25, Visitors: 3122


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