Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: Albany 97322

Approximate value $: 245,000

New 2007 Energy Star 3bd. 2.5 Bath, 2 car garage crafstman style with many upgrades and landscape yard w/sprinklers.

In exchange for House in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Ohio, Oregon

Approximate value $ : 100-300

Lexington(+vicinity), Ames (+vicinity), Champagne (+vicinity), Cincinnati (+vicinity), Muncie (+vicinity), Portland/Eugene (+vicinity),
Prefer 3bd 2bth 2-3 car garage or home with acrage/views

ID: 2114, Submitted: 01/06/2009 14:22:36, Updated: 01/06/2009 14:22:36, Visitors: 15327


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