Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 2336 Twin Elms Dr Eugene 97408

Approximate value $: 250000

Excellent 4br 2 bath home, have to sell it due to relocation, Cul de sac, gas range, 2 car garage, central air, close to schools. Will be able to pay additional mortgage on your property.

In exchange for Property in California, Hawaii, 94109

Approximate value $ : 400000

Any home, apartment or condo within 50 miles of san francisco or Hawaii in the relative ocean proximity. Hawaii property will need to be valued under $260000

ID: 21844, Submitted: 05/17/2012 23:26:12, Updated: 05/18/2012 00:43:24, Visitors: 7305


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