Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 108 Ken Rose Lane Cave Junction 97534

Approximate value $: 300,000.00

4.5 acres, 1 private well, fenced and gated, 2 manufactured homes, swim spa, covered patio and porch. Nice trees, 2 miles from town. 35 minutes to major city. 1/4 mile from the Illinois River. 15 minutes from the NW California boarder. 1 hour drive to the coast. Flat land and great views.

In exchange for Land in Arizona

Approximate value $ : 300,00

Road access, electric and private well. Buildings on the property are ok

ID: 23682, Submitted: 10/14/2013 22:37:38, Updated: 01/08/2014 00:09:54, Visitors: 6326


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