Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: Scenic Heights Dr Bend 97701

Approximate value $: 500,000

Have 2 homes in Bend, OR. 3br/4ba on Awbrey Butte near river & trails, close to town. Also 4br/2.5ba in new development in SW Bend close to river and trails, currently rented. Both are very nice w/granite, hardwood floors etc. Trade one or both for Ashland OR.

In exchange for House in Oregon, 97520

Approximate value $ : 600,000

Ashland OR ONLY Close to Plaza and park will trade one or both homes in Bend.

ID: 2716, Submitted: 04/21/2009 18:47:22, Updated: 04/21/2009 18:47:22, Visitors: 10212


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