Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: 7710 Logan Road Linciln City, OR 97367

Approximate value $: 739000

180 degree oceanviews, custon built in 2006, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, Road's End location. Gorgeous! Guess what - we can't leave our business and retire. We would love to trade for something(s) closer to CA. Yes, it's on the market but our realtor would let us out of a listing agreement. On the other hand, pictures on Trulia, etc.

In exchange for House in California

Approximate value $ : 500000

Condo in beach area, home in nice neighborhood, mountain property. We are just starting to look.

ID: 2842, Submitted: 05/22/2009 17:26:44, Updated: 05/22/2009 17:26:44, Visitors: 3416


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