Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Oregon

Address: SE 5th Gresham 97080

Approximate value $: 260,000

I have a 6 bedroom house with 2.5 baths I'm looking to trade of sell. Its in very good condition with over 2000 feet. House has a low mortgage. I can carry the contract. For more info call/email Tania at 503/939-6401(cell) or 503 666-4436(home). Email:

In exchange for House in Any state

I’m looking to trade for small 1-2 bedrooms house in good condition with some land for gardening. Must be secluded with no neighbors around, or at least not many. Could be in a very small town, but preferablly out in the country. Must be paid off or only small payment left.

ID: 3084, Submitted: 07/09/2009 17:13:00, Updated: 07/09/2009 17:28:43, Visitors: 2971


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