Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Pennsylvania

Address: Windber, PA 15963

Approximate value $: 350,000.

This property would be fantastic for someone looking to relocate and take over an established business which can be run from the comfort of their own home. We run a small internet book business (with an inventory of almost 40,000 used books), this brings in about 50K a year in revenue. We're willing to teach the new owners everything there is for continuing this successful business.

There are also 2 apartments attached to the home, separate from the main living and business area. Both have full baths, and kitchens and can be rented for extra cash flow.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email us!

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 100-350K

Looking for a large home anywhere!

ID: 20369, Submitted: 01/31/2012 14:49:16, Updated: 01/31/2012 14:55:09, Visitors: 6385


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