Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Pennsylvania

Address: Rife Road East Berlin 17316

Approximate value $: 268500

I am offering a 2.7 acres ,2600sq ft home, brand new heat pump, woodstove, 2.5 baths, 4 bedrooms, Living room , Den, large 600sqft rec room. 2 large tiered decks, 30ft round swimming pool, private well, conventional septic.

In exchange for House in Idaho, Montana, Wyoming

Approximate value $ : 270000

no less than 20acres, prefer 50+acres. bordering state or national forest/park. would prefer a water feature on property springs or year round creek/pond, timber on land a must. electric,phone , min of 1500sqft home, 2 baths..3 bed...

ID: 22729, Submitted: 11/16/2012 20:46:59, Updated: 11/16/2012 20:46:59, Visitors: 5446


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