Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Pennsylvania

Address: Lebanon 17042

Approximate value $: 185,000

2003 Built A single family house with 3br, 1 loft, 2 and half bathroom, hardwood floors, fireplace in living room, two car Garage and beutiful back yard with patio. Is is in very nice community with very good school district. I am offering to swap with the house/townhouse on residential area close by Salem NH or nearby area to commutte to Boston, MA and any town within Greater Boston Area. I am looking to relocate because of my Job

In exchange for House in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, 17042

Approximate value $ : 300,000

I am looking for House/Townhouse, 3 Bedroom

ID: 25641, Submitted: 11/29/2016 13:44:39, Updated: 11/29/2016 13:44:39, Visitors: 5154


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