Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Pennsylvania

Address: 3 Chaddbury Lane Chadds Ford 19317

Approximate value $: 700K

Beautiful 4 bedroom 2.5 bath single-family home on 1 acre in award-winning Unionville-Chadds Ford School District. Owner looking to downsize locally in PA or DE.

In exchange for House in Delaware, Pennsylvania, 19806

Approximate value $ : $350K

Looking for 2-3 bedroom condo, townhouse or house with small yard or close to park, in Kennett Square, Chadds Ford, Greenville or Wilmington area.

ID: 27286, Submitted: 02/17/2021 17:29:30, Updated: 02/17/2021 17:44:30, Visitors: 5549


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