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House in Pennsylvania

Address: wellsboro 16901

Approximate value $: $349,000.00

three bedroom 2 bath home . master bath very large bath tub with is brick construction. stainless steel kitchen , hickory cupboards, granite counter tops.master bath vanity hickory with granite top. this home has 2 heating systems. an outdoor wood furnace or electric .home is approximately 1500 square ft. also 4 bay garage and shop . large pond in front lawn all this on 4 acres for$349,000 .an in home elevator you will appreciate comes with this home.see pictures on yahoo real estate to bring up my property type in wellsboro pa then $100,000-349,000 more land and new barn available.

In exchange for House in Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee

Approximate value $ : $349,000 or $595,000

three bedroom home 2 bath woodland with some open land. will trade arkansas,tennesse,kentucky, florida . will also trade for just a large tract of land in arkansas,kentucky,tennesse.

ID: 2807, Submitted: 05/12/2009 18:29:52, Updated: 05/26/2009 12:25:18, Visitors: 3156


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