Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Pennsylvania

Address: Jungfrau dr Henryville 18332

Approximate value $: 500,000

4500 SQ ft, 5 bdrm, 4 baths, 2 car garage, central air FULL basement, on 2.5 acres built in 2004.

In exchange for House in Texas

Approximate value $ : 200,000 up

swap for home in Dallas near DFW 50 mile radius 4 bdrms, 2 car garage, job transfer forces relocation, unfortunately I dont have much of a flexibility.The way I would like to do it, is: you continue paying your mortgage (if any) and prop. taxes on your home, I continue paying my mortgage and taxes on my property, we just swap living quarters. this deal is excellent if you need to move to this area, Pa/NJ 50 mile radius, this home is about 4,500 SQ ft Im not looking for equal sq. footage, I prefer a 4 bdrm but at least 3 bdrm with 2 car garage will do,terms open for negotiation.As long as this listing is visible, the deal is still open.Please allow a few days for me to answer your enquiries.

ID: 8446, Submitted: 09/28/2010 15:39:09, Updated: 01/03/2011 18:09:19, Visitors: 3006


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