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House in Pennsylvania

Address: 153 cooney rd portage pa 15946 15946

Approximate value $: 225.000

3 houses 1 apt 2 lot rents 4.72 acres mini farm all rental properties in pa. would owner finance.or swap for equil trade of 225,ooo yes all rentas are rented (long term) 22000.00 yr income call or email 814-736-4577 make an offer really want flordia (orlando) thanks

In exchange for House in Any state

Approximate value $ : 150,000-200,000

all rentals pays morgage,also mini farm home we live in is 5 bed 4 bath can be built as duplex

ID: 9816, Submitted: 11/17/2010 09:46:07, Updated: 11/17/2010 09:46:07, Visitors: 2870


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