Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in Quebec

Address: 382 Ch Louise Lac Superieur J0T1J0

Approximate value $: 649,000 Ffbclid%3DIwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2fEKrsaIiw5EPb5oHQFfRPD0TKGnfEDtoytYlGjn DZnTgKBaWJwknAvz0_aem_NiS0j7hpuFYe2GCtmmU6lA&h=AT0R5p2xZ8k9uIC1W9l p5HCv_r9xjpaQNusPwAd89-lFqXQDHDyCuWg7ScTy6-yJNl8mE7kjLLWNP3ry8xNKZPF1C yMcEndZIxG_p71uVcfrH0jQ7vjRjhmNbdqEeTaiRsBtUwGKRtlnR_k1HKK_F_29qbM

In exchange for House in Ontario, J0T1J0

Approximate value $ : $550,000

I am looking at Prince Edward County or near the Kawarthas
Will consider any type of home I am down sizing in retirement.

ID: 51597, Submitted: 10/14/2024 15:33:10, Updated: 10/14/2024 15:33:10, Visitors: 659


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