Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in South Carolina

Address: 3059 Powe Road Wallace 29596

Approximate value $: 100,000

This is a 3 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, house with a living room, rec room, kitchen with all appliances, dining area, laundry room and a room in the basement. The house comes with 8 1/2 acres of land with a pond and fruit trees like apples, pears, muscadine vines(mountain grapes, blueberry bushes and a lot of flowering plants on the property. The house is fully furnished including a big screen TV and a 54 gallon fish tank. Renters are not taking care of the property and hence decided to sell or swap. It will be a great buy for anyone who loves gardening and the quiet beauty of country side!

In exchange for House in Maryland, Silver Spring, Takoma, Adelphi, Hyatsville, Calverton or the borders of VA or DC

Single family house with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths with front and backyard.

ID: 1139, Submitted: 08/20/2008 14:43:45, Updated: 08/20/2008 15:32:10, Visitors: 2223


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