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House in South Carolina

Address: Gilmer circle Anderson 29626

Approximate value $: $452,000

Listed for $419,900.Hartwell.MLS# #20119594 for more info and pics. Beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 bath rancher on Lake Hartwell. House has a screened porch that runs full width of the home to enjoy great water views, a gourmet kitchen with maple cabinets, granite countertops and a travertine tile backsplash, two master bedrooms. .46 acre lot, 2-car oversized garage, covered boat dock with 60' movable walkway, 2 master suits, ceramic tile in all bathrooms, crown moldings and smooth ceilings. Square footage approx. 1800. Available IMMEDIATELY.

In exchange for House in Florida, 32174

Approximate value $ : $365,000

Areas we want to move to: Volusia and/or Flager Counties. Any location no further than 35 miles from Ormond Beach. We want a minimum of 3-bedroom, 2 bath house with a screened in pool, a 2 car garage (preferably 3-car garage, or barn, etc.), the more acreage the better up to $365,000. If not pool, cheap enough to have one put in. We want to downsize in price.

ID: 11740, Submitted: 01/15/2011 15:54:44, Updated: 04/23/2011 16:28:31, Visitors: 10658


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