Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in South Carolina

Address: 2401 Langhorne Drive Beaufort 29902

Approximate value $: 175K

This is a gem!
3 bed one bath..possible 4 th bedroom.
New appliances and new wood floors.Huge yard all fenced in.
Walking distance to elementary school and junior high.Central heating and air,,and brand new water heater.
10 miles from the beach,a quarter of a mile from marina. 3 miles from the hospital.Walking distance to stores.
Need some cosmetic work on the outside..

In exchange for Town House in Georgia, 30

Approximate value $ : 175k

2 baths 2 bedrooms,,updated ,clean
amenities desired but not required.

ID: 14764, Submitted: 06/18/2011 08:58:17, Updated: 06/18/2011 09:31:06, Visitors: 10739


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