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House in South Carolina

Address: 2534 Ben Hogan Circle Florence 29506

Approximate value $: $279,000 for pictures. Rented for the last two years to the same tenants for $1800/month, lease is up mid-March but tenants wish to renew if possible. Country Club of South Carolina - wonderful neighborhood with lots of amenities. Low-country style home with double front porches, huge screened porch, hardwoods, gourmet kitchen.

In exchange for House in South Carolina, 29585

Approximate value $ : 200,000

Would consider house/townhome/condo particularly ones with views or access to beach, 200,000 - 600,000 range depending on location (upper range for vacation rental properties only).

ID: 22980, Submitted: 02/06/2013 14:25:32, Updated: 02/06/2013 14:25:32, Visitors: 11364


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