Need to move? Can's sell your house? Trade it!

House in South Carolina

Address: Chesapeak Drive Aynor 29511

Approximate value $: 315,000

Beautiful 3/2.5 brick home on 3.2 acres located approx 20 miles from Myrtle Beach. All floors are hardwood/tile. Deep (315 ft) well with complete irrigation system. Send email and will provide 2009 appraisal with photos.

In exchange for House in Florida, 33624

Approximate value $ : 250,000 - 3000,000

At least 3/2.5 with 2300 sq ft heated/cooled. Will consider any nice home (with these specs) within 25-30 miles of Tampa (Northdale area preferred).

ID: 23025, Submitted: 02/20/2013 09:10:13, Updated: 03/11/2013 10:29:59, Visitors: 11167


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